Nei Jing Ling Shu: Chapter 1, (part 1 with Video)

Chapter 1: nine kinds of needles, twelve Yuan points

1. Inserting a needle, and catching "ji"

Article I  "The small needle principle is easy to describe but difficult to do. A doctor who is not careful pays attention to the body, a superior (good) doctor pays attention to the Shen".

Article II   "The feeling at the insertion of the needle depends on fast or slow insertion. A doctor who is not careful pays attention to the location of the point, a good doctor catches ji"

"The changing of ji gives an atmosphere; Qi, in this atmosphere, is quiet, clear and weak like a mirror; waiting (to insert the needle) it might not come, where it goes (when it is gone) you cannot catch"

Note: It means that what is important is to catch "it" or the opportunity in the atmosphere and just at the right time insert the needle.

Article III  "A doctor who knows how to find "ji", a hair on his hand will disturb him"

Article IV  "If you do not understand "ji", trying hard will not work".

Article V.   "You know it comes and goes, you know when it does".

Article VI.  "Uncareful doctor misses it, this feeling, only a good doctor will have"

"When you insert a needle and there is no reaction (or change), do not count how many needles you insert; if you insert a needle and feel a reaction, then you can stop (inserting needles").

"What is a reaction, it is like the wind blowing the clouds away, clear so that you see the sky. This is how insertion of needles will be successful"

Note : this means that "De Qi" is not necessarily a reaction of the patient at the insertion of a needle in a particular point but the feeling of the doctor at the insertion of a needle.

"The principle of using needles. Be strong (hand and mind); insert straight to the point, not to the side left or right; your Spirit is conscious of even the smallest thing around you, you should concentrate on the patient; pay attention to the blood vessels, only like this it will be safe"

"At the moment of needle insertion, your mind should be in the third eye (or heart for others), look into the patient's eyes to make him/her quiet; your concentration is here and do not leave; then you know if the disease exists or not"

Article VII  "This is how Qi circulates in the channel: evil Qi at the surface, negative Qi in the middle, clear Qi in the deepest part"."

"If insertion is superficial, evil Qi will go out; if insertion is in the middle, negative Qi will go out; if insertion is deep, evil Qi will go down deeper; the disease will be serious"

From Dr. Li Xin, Dr.Claudine Merer TCM : BACK TO THE SOURCES FOR A MODERN APPROACH P314-317


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